Why Should I Choose Nursing?

Nursing is not only a science — it’s an art. At Elmira, 我们的护理学位课程的学生被驱使去实现他们的目标,并热衷于关心他人. At EC, 您将完成严格的学术课程,以提高批判性思维和临床推理技能. You'll apply what you learn in class in our state-of-the-art simulation labs. Beyond the classroom, 您将获得临床经验,早在二年级建立动手学习,并为您解决现实问题做好准备.

What Will I Learn Through Nursing?

As an Elmira College Nursing student, 你将学习从人文到自然的理论和概念, social, 和护理科学,将你准备成为一个多才多艺和道德的卫生保健专业人员. 学习如何使用基于证据的发现来提高护理质量,同时获得当今医疗保健环境所需的信息管理和技术技能. EC将使您成为领导者和合作者,可以与其他人一起改善个人和社区的医疗保健结果, as well as a lifelong learner.

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"I have found the program full of opportunities. I've made a lot of friends and made many connections. 我建立了沟通和临床技能,并以我意想不到的方式成长了很多."
–Ashton Craver '25

What Can I Do With A Nursing Degree?

当你在mg冰球突破豪华版下载获得护理学士学位时, 你将有资格成为一名注册护士. 或者你可以选择继续读研成为一名执业护士, nurse educator, nurse anesthetist, or nurse administrator. 我们强调体验式学习意味着无论你走哪条路, you’ll be ready to pursue it with confidence.

In fact, 所有护理专业的学生在大二开始临床工作,然后在大四的第三学期在医院完成与职业相关的实习. 一些学生还会在大三和大四的暑假期间在医院完成实习.

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如果你还有一些问题,想让招生顾问联系你, click here to request more information.

Phone: (404) 975-5000

Public Notice of Accreditation

Here are some recent program outcomes:
  • Class of 2023 cohort NCLEX first-time pass rate: 85.3%
  • Class of 2023 total NCLEX pass rate: 100%
  • 2023 completion rate: 55%
  • 2023届毕业生就业率(基于学生调查):97%从事护理工作
ACEN Accreditation Seal



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